Seminary Journal Volume 2, Number 2: Spring 2022

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Books reviewed in this issue

The Trustworthiness of God’s Words: Why the Reliability of Every Word
from God Matters

by Layton Talbert

Reviewed by Scott Aniol

The Path to Being a Pastor: A Guide for the Aspiring

by Bobby Jamieson

Reviewed by Thomas Overmiller

In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration

by William Lane Craig

Reviewed by James H. Tuck Jr.


by Buist Fanning

Reviewed by Brian Collins

The Problem of the Old Testament: Hermeneutical, Schematic, and
Theological Approaches

by Duane Garrett

Reviewed by Brian Trainer

Fictions, Lies, and the Authority of Law

by Steven D. Smith

Reviewed by Mark Ward