Theological Research Symposium (Spring 2019)

Theological Research Symposium (Spring 2019)

This spring’s Theological Research Symposium featured two thought-provoking papers that generated solid discussion of important theological topics.

Dr. Jon Cheek presented “A Biblical Theology of Worldliness,” summarizing key findings of his recently defended dissertation. Contributing to contemporary debates regarding worldliness, Jon exegeted and synthesized major passages, terms, and concepts related to worldliness throughout the storyline of Scripture. Dr. Randy Leedy, Professor of NT Interpretation as well as Jon’s dissertation chairman, responded to Jon’s paper.

Dr. Jon Cheek, Q&A
Dr. Randy Leedy, Q&A

In addition, Dr. Neal Cushman, Associate Dean of BJU Seminary, read a paper entitled “The Postponement of the New Exodus Theory in Non-Dispensational Hermeneutics.” Defending the traditional dispensational theory of the postponement of the kingdom, Cushman argued that non-dispensationalists hold to similar kinds of postponements in the plan of God. As a dispensationalist who does not hold to the kingdom-postponement theory, Professor of Theology Dr. Layton Talbert presented a response to Cushman’s paper.

Dr. Neal Cushman, Q&A
Dr. Layton Talbert, Response

Each semester BJU Seminary’s PhD program hosts the Theological Research Symposium as a forum for scholarly presentations in the fields of Bible and theology. All BJU-related faculty/staff and graduate students are invited to attend and have an opportunity to ask questions after each paper and response. The links below provide access to the Spring 2019 symposium documents and audio.

A Biblical Theology of Worldliness (Presentation, Response, Q&A)
The Postponement of the New Exodus in Non-Dispensational Hermeneutics (Presentation, Response, Q&A)