Financial Aid

Your seminary education is one of the most important investments you will make for a lifetime of ministry; we want to help make that investment affordable. 


BJU Seminary partners with like-minded churches by matching the aid given by your local church (up to $1,000 per semester) for their staff, church planters, missionaries, and members. Please complete the following steps. Applications are open year round.

  1. Student must apply to BJU Seminary and be accepted as a student. 
  2. A church officer must complete the application form. Once the form is received by the Seminary, the church will receive notice of approval.
  3. Once approval is received, the church will send their funds to: BJU Financial Aid, 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville, SC  29614.
  4. Matching funds will then be applied to the students account. (Note: Financial aid cannot exceed costs of the education.) 
  5. The student must be committed to taking at least one class per semester via in-person, livestream, advanced module, or flex class modalities. 
  6. This scholarship is available to students in any of the Seminary tracks including certificate programs. 

The Seminary Graduate Scholarship

Amount varies based on need. The graduate scholarship will pay for a percentage of your tuition, anywhere from 10% to 75%, based on your financial need. Last year, 95% of BJU Seminary students who applied for the scholarship received funds.

  • Must demonstrate clear financial need. 
  • Must work a minimum of 19 hours per week.
  • Take at least 8 credits per semester.
  • For resident students only (at least 50% of classes must be taken via livestream, advanced modules, flex classes, or in-person attendance).
  • Must maintain minimum GPA requirements for your program and demonstrate satisfactory academic progress. 
  • An academic GA, receiving tuition benefits is not eligible for this scholarship. 
  • Reapplication is not necessary unless status has changed. 

The Marshall Neal Scholarship

Amount varies. Awarded annually. 
  • Limited to candidates pursuing ordination by a local church and who plan to be in vocational ministry. 
  • Financial need will be considered. 
  • Must be enrolled in a minimum of 8 credit hours. 
  • For resident students only (at least 50% of classes must be taken via livestream, advanced modules, flex classes, or in-person attendance). 
  • Must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher. 
  • Must be applied for each year of eligibility. 

The Jesse & Edith Boyd Scholarship

Amount varies. Awarded annually. 
  • Priority is given to those pursuing vocational ministry. 
  • Financial need will be considered. 
  • Must be enrolled in a minimum of 8 credit hours. 
  • For resident students only (at least 50% of classes must be taken via livestream, advanced modules, flex classes, or in-person attendance).
  • Must maintain a GPA of 2.75 or higher. 
  • Must be applied for each year of eligibility. 

The Jim & Patty Berg Scholarship

$500 limit for an academic year. 
  • Limited to counseling majors who will be enrolled in supervised counseling. 
  • Must be enrolled in a minimum of 8 credit hours. 
  • For resident students only (at least 50% of classes must be taken via livestream, advanced modules, flex classes, or in-person attendance).
  • Must maintain the minimum GPA for your program.

The Lou & Nancy Dubost Scholarship

Amount varies.
  • For full-time Seminary students.
  • Must be enrolled in in-person classes.
  • Must have financial need.
  • Must have at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA .

    The Dr. T Walter Braisher Scholarship

    Amount varies. Awarded annually. 
    • Priority is given to South Carolina residents who are pursuing vocational ministry. 
    • Non-residents of South Carolina may apply. 
    • Limited to those enrolled in a degree leading to a church-related vocation. 
    • Financial need will be considered. 
    • Must be enrolled in a minimum of 8 credit hours. 
    • For resident students only (at least 50% of classes must be taken via livestream, advanced modules, flex classes, or in-person attendance).
    • Must maintain the minimum GPA for your program. 
    • Must be applied for each year of eligibility. 
    • Note: This scholarship is located by typing “BJU Braisher” into the white search box inside Scholarship Universe. 


    BJU Seminary or BJU School of Theology and Global Leadership ministry students are eligible for the SermonAudio Prayer Scholarship if they are

    • Full-time.
    • With financial need. 
    • Taking resident courses.
    • Committed to faithfully attending Daily United Prayer hosted by SermonAudio 12-1 p.m., Monday through Friday, throughout the semester.
    • Committed to reading The Case for United Prayer during the semester.

    Students are awarded a $1000 scholarship each semester they commit to faithfully participate in Daily United Prayer as described above. SermonAudio will award anywhere from five to ten $1000 scholarships each semester as funds permit.

    To apply, contact BJU Seminary at [email protected] with “Prayer Scholarship” in your subject line.

    Learn more about the scholarship and Daily United Prayer here.

    Create an account on Scholarship Universe if you do not already have one, and search “BJU Seminary” to view and apply for internal scholarships. These Seminary scholarships open to applications on Scholarship Universe until April 15. There are two other periods in the summer (one in beginning in June, one beginning in July) during which students may apply for scholarships. Scholarships for the second semester may be offered, depending on availability of funds and student need. For any scholarship-related questions, please contact [email protected].


    Two types of designated graduate assistant positions are available. These 30-hour, part-time benefited positions are reserved for those who wish to continue their education while working part-time. They are offered in departments all across campus with opportunities for many different skill sets. 


    Teaching, residence hall, and instructional graduate assistants work part-time on a 9-month basis. The agreement begins during the month of August and operates on an annual notification basis. Benefits for these positions include sick time and the option of University health insurance. Work responsibilities are assigned by department supervisors. GA positions will not be dependent upon scholarships awarded.


    Staff graduate assistants are hired on a 30-hour week, 12-month basis and operate on either 2-week or 30-day notification basis dependent upon the position. Benefits for these positions include paid personal time, sick time, and the option of University health insurance. Position responsibilities are assigned by department supervisors. GA positions will not be dependent upon scholarships awarded.

    Work requirements may differ for international students in graduate assistant positions.

    Search available graduate assistant positions here


    Satisfactory academic progress Policy (SAP)


    Students receiving federal financial aid must meet standards regarding completion rate, cumulative grade point average and maximum time frame. For more information read the Graduate Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP) for Federal Student Financial Aid and Military Benefits.


    If you have any questions concerning financial aid, email the Financial Aid Office or read our consumer information.  


    Phone: (864)-241-1657
    Email: [email protected]