2024-25 Courses

BJU Seminary offers courses in multiple formats at schedules to make your degree more affordable and accessible.

All course offerings below are real-time, synchronous classes with several different scheduling options. You may attend these classes in-person at our campus in Greenville, South Carolina, or through interactive livestream from any place in the world.

Each course option is represented as a specific section in Student Central. For example, SCH 601-10 indicates you wish to take the course in-person, and SCH 601-50 indicates you want to take the course via interactive livestream from your location. Please consult the legend to understand how to register for your chosen format/modality.

Please refer to our internship page for a complete list of internships offered each semester.

For a separate listing of asynchronous, pre-recorded online classes that don’t meet at a specific time, visit our pre-recorded online offerings.

To view all classes in all formats and single out classes specific to your program, visit our class scheduler page.

As you look at the course options below, please feel free to contact us with any questions at [email protected].

Course Options as Sections in Student Central
Section 10: Residence
Section 12: Residence flex
Section 14: Residence module
Section 30: Off-site
Section 50: Livestream
Section 52: Livestream flex
Section 54: Livestream module
Section 90: Online (entire semester)
Section 91: Online (session A)
Section 92: Online (session B)

**Offered fall and spring semesters

Summer 2024

Independent Study/Practicum

Sex Abuse Prevention & Response Training ($40 fee) SCM 610-300
Biblical Counseling Practicum I**SCM 640-303
Biblical Counseling Practicum II**SCM 695-303
Pastoral Ministry InternshipSCM 709-303
Worship Ministry InternshipSCM 710-303
Church Ministry Internship/Integration ProjectSCM 790-303
Readings in OT StudiesSOT 889-304
Research & Writing SeminarSPM 891-302

Advanced Module

ClassRes. SectionLive. SectionDay/TimeRmProfCred
Biblical Ministry to the AddictedSPM 851-14SPM 851-54In-class: June 17-21214Berg4
Expository Preaching in the New TestamentSPM 865-14SPM 865-54In-class: June 17-21213McGonigal4
Advanced New Testament TheologySNT 955-14SNT 955-54In-class: July 29-August 2211Talbert4


ClassOnline Sect.DaysProfCred
Counseling Children & AdolescentsSCM 630-91May 6-June 22Cathers3
Foundations of Biblical CounselingSCM 632-91May 6-June 22Newcomer3
Counseling IssuesSCM 633-92June 24-Aug 10Johnson3
Marriage & Family CounselingSCM 637-92June 24-Aug 10Newcomer3
Issues in Church MinistrySCM 701-91May 6-June 22McGonigal3
Expository Sermon PreparationSHM 634-91May 6-June 22Gotcher2
Exposition of OT Wisdom BooksSOT 616-92June 24-Aug 10Talbert3
Old Testament IntroductionSOT 681-91May 6-June 22Casillas3
Advanced Systematic TheologySTh 701-92 June 24-Aug 10Stiekes3
Biblical SanctificationSTh 703-91May 6-June 22Hand3
Old Testament TheologySTh 740-92June 24-Aug 10Casillas3

Fall 2024


ClassRes. SectionLive. SectionDay/TimeRmProfCred
Church HistorySCH 601-10SCH 601-50T/Th 9:30-10:45am212Cook3
Sex Abuse Prevention & Response TrainingSCM 610-10SCM 610-50TBATBAJohnsonTBA
Theories of CounselingSCM 631-10SCM 631-50T/Th 9:30-10:45am214Mazak3
Foundations of Biblical CounselingSCM 632-10SCM 632-50T/Th 8:00-9:15am113Mazak3
Counseling IssuesSCM 633-10SCM 633-50M/W/F 9:00-9:50am113Cruice3
Marriage & Family CounselingSCM 637-10SCM 637-50T/Th 8:00-9:15am213Scott3
Issues in Church MinistrySCM 701-10SCM 701-50M/W/F 1:00-1:50pm214Gotcher3
Expository Sermon PreparationSHM 634-10SHM 634-50T/Th 10:00-10:50am213Reimers2
Principles & Methods of Teaching BibleSHM 635-10SHM 635-50T/Th 10:00-10:50am211Hand2
Exposition of RevelationSNT 619-10SNT 619-50M/W/F 1:00-1:50pm213Talbert3
Foundations for Greek ExegesisSNT 621-10SNT 621-50M/W/F 9:00-9:50am212TBA3
Methods of Greek ExegesisSNT 622-10SNT 622-50M/W/F 10:00-10:50am212Cushman3
Elementary Hebrew ISOT 601-10SOT 601-50M/W/F 12:00-12:50pm214Saldivar3
Survey of the Old TestamentSOT 620-10SOT 620-50T/Th 8:00-8:50am214Horn2
Old Testament IntroductionSOT 681-10SOT 681-50M/W/F 9:00-9:50am215Casillas3
Methods of Hebrew ExegesisSOT 703-10SOT 703-50M/W/F 12:00-12:50pm213Casillas3
Theological EnglishSTh 600-10STh 600-50M/W 10:00-10:50am211Leach2
Biblical HermeneuticsSTh 635-10STh 635-50M/W/F 8:00-8:50am214Hand3
Introduction to Seminary Research & WritingSTh 692-10STh 692-50TBA113Meyer1
Biblical SanctificationSTh 703-10STh 703-50M/W/F 2:00-2:50pm214Meyer3
New Testament TheologySTh 750-10STh 750-50M/W/F 10:00-10:50am214Talbert3
Theology and Practice of EvangelismSTh 777-10STh 777-50T/Th 8:00-8:50am212Thomas2

Evening Flex

ClassRes. SectionLive. SectionDay/TimeRmProfCred
Counseling Children & AdolescentsSCM 630-12SCM 630-52Th 6:00-7:50pm113Cruice3
Exposition of the Minor ProphetsSOT 619-12SOT 619-52M 3:00-4:50pm214Casillas3
Systematic TheologySTh 601-12STh 601-52M 6:00-7:50pm214Gotcher3

Independent Study/Practicum

Biblical Counseling Practicum I**SCM 640-303
Cross-Cultural InternshipSCM 673-303
Biblical Counseling Practicum II**SCM 695-303
Pastoral Ministry InternshipSCM 709-303
Worship Ministry InternshipSCM 710-303
Church Ministry Internship & IntegrationSCM 790-303
Advanced Hebrew GrammarSOT 905-304
Introduction to Seminary Research & WritingSTh 692-303
Independent StudySTh 790-303
Introduction to Theological ResearchSTh 792-303
Biblical IntertextualitySTh 945-303

Advanced Module

ClassRes. SectionLive. SectionDay/TimeRmProfCred
Church Planting & RevitalizationSCM 677-14SCM 677-54Course: Aug. 26-Dec. 19
In-Class: Oct. 14-18
Biblical Strategy of MissionsSCM 777-14SCM 777-54Course: Aug. 26-Dec. 19
In-Class: Oct. 14-18
Advanced Counseling MethodologySPM 855-14SPM 855-54Course: Aug. 26-Dec. 19
In-Class: Oct. 14-18
Challenging Texts in Expository PreachingSPM 867-14SPM 867-54Course: Aug. 26-Dec. 19
In-Class: Oct. 14-18
Advanced Biblical TheologySTh 941-14STh 941-54Course: Aug. 26-Dec. 19
In-Class: Oct. 14-18


ClassOnline Sect.DaysProfCred
Church HistorySCH 502-91Aug. 30-Oct. 19Cook3
Foundations of Biblical CounselingSCM 632-91Aug. 30-Oct. 19Newcomer3
Marriage & Family CounselingSCM 637-92Oct. 18-Dec. 14Newcomer3
Survey of the New TestamentSNT 620-92Oct. 18-Dec. 14Hughes2
New Testament IntroductionSNT 681-91Aug. 30-Oct. 19Stiekes3
Exposition of IsaiahSOT 617-92Oct. 18-Dec. 14TBD3
Systematic TheologySTh 602-92Oct. 18-Dec. 14Hand3
Biblical HermeneuticsSTh 635-91Aug. 30-Oct. 19Hand3

Spring 2025


ClassRes. SectionLive. SectionDay/TimeRmProfCred
Church HistorySCH 602-10SCH 602-50T/Th 8:00-9:15am212Sidwell3
Sex Abuse Prev & Response TrainingSCM 610-10SCM 610-50TBATBAJohnsonTBA
Church Discipleship MinistriesSCM 621-10SCM 621-50T/Th 12:00-1:15pm212Gotcher3
Foundations of Biblical CounselingSCM 632-10SCM 632-50T/Th 8:00-9:15am113Mazak3
Counseling IssuesSCM 633-10SCM 633-50M/W/F 1:00-1:50pm214Cruice3
Marriage & Family CounselingSCM 637-10SCM 637-50T/Th 8:00-9:15am214Scott3
History of Christian MissionsSCM 671-10SCM 671-50T/Th 1:30-2:45pm212Patterson3
Principles & Practices of Church WorshipSCM 707-10SCM 707-50M/W/F 12:00-12:50pm213Coleman3
Expository Sermon PreparationSHM 634-10SHM 634-50T/Th 10:00-10:50am213Reimers2
HomileticsSHM 726-10SHM 726-50T/Th 1:30-2:45pm213Stiekes3
Exposition of ActsSNT 613-10SNT 613-50M/W/F 2:00-2:50p
Survey of the New TestamentSNT 620-10SNT 620-50T/Th 8:00-8:50am213Horn2
Methods of Greek ExegesisSNT 622-10SNT 622-50M/W/F 10:00-10:50am212TBA3
Exegesis of Paul’s EpistlesSNT 703-10SNT 703-50M/W/F 9:00-9:50am212TBA3
Elementary Hebrew IISOT 602-10SOT 602-50M/W/F 12:00-12:50pm214Saldivar3
Exposition of IsaiahSOT 617-12SOT 617-52M/W/F 9:00-9:50am213Talbert3
Systematic TheologySTh 602-10STh 602-50M/W/F 9:00-9:50am214Gotcher3
Application of ScriptureSTh 630-10STh 630-50M/W/F 1:00-1:50pm213Casillas3
Biblical HermeneuticsSTh 635-10STh 635-50M/W/F 8:00-8:50am214Hand3
Introduction to Seminary Research & WritingSTh 692-10STh 692-50TBA113Meyer1
Biblical SanctificationSTh 703-10STh 703-50T/Th 9:30-10:45am214Meyer3
Old Testament TheologySTh 740-10STh 740-50M/W/F 10:00-10:50am214Casillas3
Quran & HadithSTh 775-10STh 775-50M/W/F 1:00-1:50pm212Cushman3
Applied ApologeticsSTh 785-10STh 785-50T/Th 9:30-10:45am211Rathbun3

Evening Flex

ClassRes. SectionLive. SectionDay/TimeRmProfCred
Advanced Counseling IssuesSCM 635-12SCM 635-52Th 3:00-4:50pm214Meyer3
Systematic TheologySNT 602-12SNT 602-52M 6:00-7:50pm214Gotcher3
New Testament IntroductionSNT 681-12SNT 681-52Th 6:00-7:50pm214Stiekes3
Christian ApologeticsSTh 613-12STh 613-52M 3:00-4:50pm214Talbert3

Independent Study/Practicum

Biblical Counseling Practicum I**SCM 640-303
Biblical Counseling Practicum II**SCM 695-303
Cross-Cultural InternshipSCM 673-303
Pastoral Ministry InternshipSCM 709-303
Worship Ministry InternshipSCM 710-303
Church Ministry InternshipSCM 790-303

Advanced Module

ClassRes. SectionLive. SectionDay/TimeRmProfCred
Advanced OT TheologySOT 955-14SOT 955-54Course: Jan. 15-May 8
In-Class: March 10-14
Advanced Family & Marriage CounselingSPM 853-14SPM 853-54Course: Jan. 15-May 8
In-Class: March 10-14
A Missions-Sending Pastor/ChurchSPM 877-14SPM 877-54Course: Jan. 15-May 8
In-Class: March 10-14
Advanced Biblical HermeneuticsSTh 840-14STh 840-54Course: Jan. 15-May 8
In-Class: March 10-14


ClassOnline Sect.DaysProfCred
Church HistorySCH 601-92March 7-May 3Cook3
Theories of CounselingSCM 631-92March 7-May 3Johnson3
Foundations of Biblical CounselingSCM 632-91Jan. 17-March 8Newcomer3
Counseling IssuesSCM 633-92March 7-May 3Marshall3
Advanced Counseling IssuesSCM 635-91Jan. 17-March 8Berg3
Exposition of RevelationSNT 619-92March 7-May 3Hand3
Foundations for Greek ExegesisSNT 621-90Jan. 17-May 3Hand3
Survey of the Old TestamentSOT 620-92March 7-May 3West2
Old Testament IntroductionSOT 681-91Jan. 17-March 8West3
Systematic TheologySTh 601-91Jan. 17-March 8Hand3

Summer 2025

Independent Study/Practicum

Sex Abuse Prevention & Response Training ($40 fee) SCM 610-300
Biblical Counseling Practicum I**SCM 640-303
Cross-Cultural InternshipSCM 673-303
Biblical Counseling Practicum II**SCM 695-303
Pastoral Ministry InternshipSCM 709-303
Worship Ministry InternshipSCM 710-303
Church Ministry Internship/Integration ProjectSCM 790-303

Advanced Module

ClassRes. SectionLive. SectionDay/TimeRmProfCred
Problems of NT InterpretationSNT 935-14SNT 935-54In-class: June 23-27211Hand4
Counseling Ministry in the ChurchSPM 850-14SPM 850-54In-class: June 23-27213Scott4
Counseling Contemporary IssuesSPM 859-14SPM 859-54In-class: June 23-27214Carson4
Contemporary TheologySTh 901-14STh 901-54In-class: June 23-27212Talbert4


ClassOnline Sect.DaysProfCred
Counseling Children & AdolescentsSCM 630-91May 12-June 28Cathers3
Foundations of Biblical CounselingSCM 632-91May 12-June 28Newcomer3
Counseling IssuesSCM 633-92June 30-Aug. 16Johnson3
Marriage & Family CounselingSCM 637-92June 30-Aug. 16Newcomer3
Principles & Methods of Teaching BibleSHM 635-92June 30-Aug. 16Hand2
Methods of Greek ExegesisSNT 622-91May 12-June 28Hand3
Advanced Systematic TheologySTh 701-91 May 12-June 28Talbert3
Biblical SanctificationSTh 703-91May 12-June 28Johnson3