Founding and Growth
Just five years after the founding of Bob Jones College, in 1932, a master’s degree in Bible was offered to better prepare men for the ministry. Since those small beginnings in the panhandle of Florida 93 years ago, thousands have completed graduate degrees in ministry training through the Seminary and Graduate School of Religion at Bob Jones University. Beginning in the 1970’s, the names Robert Bell and Stewart Custer became synonymous at the Seminary for rigorous Scripture scholarship coupled with a burning heart of love for God and people, setting a tradition of ministry excellence for His glory.
Year after year, hundreds were being shaped by their classes and faculty to love God, love people, evangelize the world, and build up the church through the careful expository preaching of the Word. By the mid 90’s, the demand for graduate level ministry training increased at the Seminary to a point that discussion began about erecting a separate facility on the campus of the University. Construction began in 1999 and the Bob Jones Jr. Memorial Seminary and Evangelism Center officially opened its doors for use on March 24, 2000.
The Seminary is fully regionally accredited by the SACSCOC. It offers six master’s degree programs, the Master of Divinity degree with a choice of eight different ministry concentrations, the Doctor of Ministry degree with three concentrations, and the PhD in Theological Studies in Old Testament, New Testament, Biblical and Systematic Theology, and a customized composite curriculum allowing for a combination of several research emphases. These degree programs are sustained by the teaching of 90-100 different graduate courses per year on the master’s and doctoral levels.
These courses are taught by about 25 full-time and adjunct faculty, all of whom hold doctoral degrees in their teaching fields, including New Testament, Old Testament, Theology, Church Ministries, Biblical Counseling, Urban Church Planting and Global Missions. They have ministered in hundreds of churches, camps, conferences, and countries around the world, assisting in the spread of the gospel and the training of men for the ministry. All of them serve faithfully in their local churches with their families as pastors, teachers, and ministry leaders.
Our Future – His Glory
Today, hundreds of men and women are preparing to launch into ministry for His glory from Bob Jones University Seminary. They are learning to preach and teach the Word, compassionately meet the needs of the lost and the Church, and most important, are learning to know and love God. They are drawing near to Christ, learning to trust Him to do great works for Him, and growing in His likeness and faith. God is in this place indwelling His servants. And it is all for His glory!