Fall Break

University classes/activities officially end at 5 p.m. on Friday. Saturday is the official travel day for the break. However, students may leave after their last class or work obligation on Friday. Students may not change sections of a class in order to leave early. Students who are carpooling are asked to be patient with those who have a class or …Read More

Stewart Custer Lecture Series

The Stewart Custer Lecture Series is designed to honor one of our most celebrated scholars, the late Dr. Stewart Custer, and to demonstrate and advance the seminary’s commitment to cultivating scholarship in service for the church by inviting to campus a published author whose scholarly work addresses contemporary challenges of the church.

Thanksgiving Break

University classes/activities officially end at 5 p.m. on Friday. Saturday is the official travel day for the break. However, students may leave after their last class or work obligation on Friday. Students may not change sections of a class in order to leave early. Students who are carpooling are asked to be patient with those who have a class or …Read More

Bible Conference

All synchronous classes are canceled Feb. 14-16. Graduate and non-traditional students are required to attend any services in person that meet during a time that they would typically attend class on campus. To know when to attend, see the schedule at https://bibleconference.bju.edu. Dress code is class dress during the day and formal (as defined by the handbook) for evening sessions. Services …Read More

Spring Break

University classes/activities officially end at 5 p.m. on Friday. Saturday is the official travel day for the break. However, students may leave after their last class or work obligation on Friday. Students may not change sections of a class in order to leave early. Students who are carpooling are asked to be patient with those who have a class or …Read More