The 2021 theme, “Biblical Leadership: A Theological Perspective,” addresses the need for filling the leadership vacuum in the church today, both in the pulpit and the pews — especially when it comes to decreasing male leadership — and the need for equipping our pastor guests and our students with keen theological insights to speak that truth into today’s fallen culture.
Our featured speaker Les Ollila knows what it takes for men to become church leaders. He’s been producing, equipping and encouraging them for more than half a century under the watchword, “Leadership is not lordship, but servitude.”
About Les Ollila
Les Ollila is the founder and director of Building Great Leaders, a ministry devoted to producing effective servant-leaders in the pulpit and the church as well as providing them instruction, encouragement and resources. In addition to serving as president of Northland Baptist Bible College (1984-2002) and later as its chancellor (2003-2013), Ollila is a nationally recognized seminar and conference speaker in the area of leadership training, Christian educators’ conferences, family-centered church meetings, summer camps and Christian school ministries.