The following internships are offered every semester. Talk to your advisor about incorporating an internship into your course schedule!

SCM 673 Cross-Cultural Internship (3 credits) A six to eight week internship that provides exposure to a variety of cultural experiences, participation in language intensive activities and involvement in ministry opportunities under the mentorship of a host missionary with the purpose of helping the student integrate cultural theory and practice by immersing him in a cultural milieu foreign to his own. Includes pre-trip reading requirements, participant observation and evaluation after the experience. Summer.
SCM 679 Urban Church Planting Internship (3 credits) A ministry experience under the supervision of an urban church planter
SCM 709 Pastoral Ministry Internship (3 credits) An 8- to 12-week internship designed to help the student integrate and apply his seminary education in a local-church setting. Includes mentorship by an experienced pastor, onsite directed experiences, and readings and reflections in the theory and practice of pastoral ministry.
SCM 710 Worship Ministry Internship (3 credits) A summer- or semester-long internship, in which the student will work in a mentoring relationship with the pastor/ pastoral staff member of a local church, serving and leading in the worship ministry of the congregation. Prerequisites: SCM 706 and SCM 707.
SCM 790 Church Ministry Internship & Integration Project (4 credits) A six- to eight-week internship in a local church in which the student participates in evangelism, discipleship, worship, teaching and other functions of the church as determined by the supervising pastor. Students will test their theory and methodology with hands-on experience in the local church, resulting in a summative integration project.
SCM 795 CP/REV Internship & Integration Project (4 credits) A six- to eight-week internship in a church plant, church revitalization, or a non-profit organization focused on holistic ministry. The student will participate in all the necessary functions of these ministries as determined by the supervising pastor or ministry leader. Students will test their theory and methodology with hands-on experience in the local church, resulting in a summative integration project.
STH 991 Teaching Internship (3 credits) Toward the end of his or her coursework, each doctoral student will be assigned to a college-level course and a faculty professor-mentor for one semester. The student will be assigned lecture preparation and presentation, assessment, student consultation and course-management duties. The professor-mentor will evaluate the student’s preparation and presentation of a multi-hour teaching unit. Subject-matter and pedagogical reading will be assigned according to the need of the student.