Theological Studies, PhD

(60 credits)

The PhD in Theological Studies will provide you the most extensive preparation for seminary/college teaching, theological research and writing, and preaching/teaching ministry in the local church. We have been awarding PhD degrees to qualifying candidates for over 50 years. Our courses are taught by an interdisciplinary resident and adjunct faculty with substantial teaching experience who are publishing and active in their fields.

The PhD in Theological Studies is available to both resident and nonresident students and centers on hybrid courses with a one-week module that may be taken on campus or via livestream. The cost of the PhD program is highly competitive. At the end of course work, you will take oral and written comprehensive exams that focus on your concentration. Finally, you will complete your degree by writing a publishable dissertation in your field of study under the supervision of a faculty committee.

Applicants for the PhD must demonstrate outstanding academic performance, competence in research and writing, and a high level of Christian character and leadership. You may qualify to enroll with a Master of Divinity degree or a research-oriented master’s degree like BJU Seminary’s MA in Biblical Language & Literature. The total credits are reduced to 34 for those entering the program with BJU Seminary’s Master of Theology degree or another approved Master of Theology degree.

Theological Studies Program


  • Biblical and Systematic Theology
  • New Testament Interpretation
  • Old Testament Interpretation

Preparing you for:

  • College or Seminary Professor
  • Academy and Church Writer
  • Scholar-Pastor

Class Options


Courses extend over the fall, spring, and summer terms. Courses typically follow a hybrid format, combining independent study, online discussion, and a one-week instructional module in the middle of the term. To make these courses available for distance students, the modules are live-streamed. Thus, it is possible to earn the PhD without living in the Greenville area. Whether you are a residential or nonresidential student, this degree will provide you the most extensive preparation for seminary/college teaching, theological research and writing, and for any preaching/teaching ministry in the local church. (Click the icons for information.)

PhD courses are live-streamed, so you can earn the PhD without living in the Greenville area. You can interact live with your classmates from virtually anywhere in the world. Whether you are a residential or nonresidential student, this degree will provide you the most extensive preparation for seminary/college teaching, theological research and writing, and for any preaching/teaching ministry in the local church.

If you lack some master’s level courses in order to qualify for the PhD, you may be able to take them in our convenient online format through SCOPE. Online courses do not meet at prescribed times. Instead, students complete their tasks on a week-by-week basis, typically over a seven-week period. It is possible to earn the PhD without living in the Greenville area. Whether you are a residential or nonresidential student, this degree will provide you the most extensive preparation for seminary/college teaching, theological research and writing, and for any preaching/teaching ministry in the local church.

Courses extend over the fall, spring, and summer terms. Courses typically follow a hybrid format, combining independent study, online discussion, and a one-week instructional module in the middle of the term. The module is available by livestream. It is preceded by approximately six weeks of reading and online interaction and followed by approximately six weeks of research and writing. The module often includes student presentations. It is possible to earn the PhD without living in the Greenville area. Whether you are a residential or nonresidential student, this degree will provide you the most extensive preparation for seminary/college teaching, theological research and writing, and for any preaching/teaching ministry in the local church.

If you lack some master’s level courses in order to qualify for the PhD, you may be able to take them in our evening-flex format. This allows students with day jobs to take classes on Monday or Thursday evenings. Five credits of class can be possible on both Monday and Thursday evenings, with two-credit classes meeting for one hour and three-credit classes meeting for two hours. It is possible to earn the PhD without living in the Greenville area. Whether you are a residential or nonresidential student, this degree will provide you the most extensive preparation for seminary/college teaching, theological research and writing, and for any preaching/teaching ministry in the local church.




  • Interpret Scripture in the original languages based on sound hermeneutics.
  • Develop a sound methodology to assess theological issues.
  • Teach original adult-level lessons in Bible/theology.
  • Compose original scholarly writings in Bible/theology.

Biblical/Systematic Theology

New Testament Interpretation

Old Testament Interpretation

Program Coordinator