Preview Day

Are you considering BJU Seminary and wondering if it’s the right fit for you? Visit BJU Seminary at Preview Day this fall!

More than just a visit to our campus, this one-day event will give you an in-depth preview of BJU Seminary. You’ll get to know faculty and students, receive information and advice about Seminary programs, and experience a taste of life at BJU Seminary. Spouses are welcome to attend with you.

Questions? Call us at (864) 241-1657 or send us a message through our contact page.

Join Us for the Stewart Custer LEcture Series Nov. 7!

The Stewart Custer Lecture Series — which honors one of BJU Seminary’s most celebrated scholars, the late Dr. Stewart Custer, who served 56 years at the Seminary and BJU — offers insights into contemporary challenges to the church based on in-depth, faithful analysis of the biblical text. Each fall we invite a conservative scholar to lecture in his area of expertise.